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How does it work?

From 10 to 25% off, from Vouchers to Spas, this is the unique promise of Club YONDER and its partner Travellers Society.
Together, they offer you unbeatable deals on a selection of “charm & luxury” hotels in France.

To benefit :

1. Select a hotel from the list above,
2. Complete its reservation form,
3. Receive a personalized offer by email as soon as possible,
4. Make your payment, via our secure Stripe payment system, at the best rates on the Web (including official website rates).

In partnership with Travellers Society

Our collection of hotels, selected by the Yonder teams

Members-only offers: exclusive discounts, free spa vouchers, upgrades on all bookings

Up to 25% off

Benefit from the best prices on the Web.

Without conditions

No specific days, no unpleasant surprises.

The most beautiful hotels

A selection of the finest establishments

Our hotel experts

Specialists in luxury hotels, they are at your service

Any questions? Any special request?

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